Thursday, July 28, 2011

Help Me Get To 100 followers challenge & giveaway!!

I'm SO thankful to have so many followers now, I had no idea I'd make so many friends in the scrappy world when I started my blog - I just wanted somewhere to document my crafts and now look at it - I'm so close to 100 followers!!

So to thank YOU, I want to have a little fun and issue a challenge and then have a giveaway when I make it to 100 followers!  :)

Here's the challenge...Make a project using a Cricut cart that you've barely used - I know we all have them, so pull them out and discover what they have to offer!  I recently started using my Gypsy again and discovered Gypsy Wanderings - its a great cart and had I not stepped outside the box of carts that I normally use, I never would have known!!  So, I challenge you to do the same!!  :)

Link your project by Thursday, August 18 at 11:59pm - that's 3 weeks from today!!  One NEW (made for this challenge please!) project per person and for everyone who participates in the challenge and posts it on your blog with a link back to mine, you'll be entered to win this cart! 

I will use a random number generator to draw the winner on Friday, August 19!  *Due to shipping costs, only those with US addresses may enter!*

**You can get a bonus entry by posting about this challenge and giveaway on your blog and leaving a comment on this post to let me know you did so!  So help me spread the word so I can make it to 100 followers in the next 3 weeks!!  And if I surpass 100 followers, I will do a bonus giveaway (prize will be announced later, I'll have to do some shopping!) out of those who entered the challenge!!  :)

And of course, since this is an effort for me to get more followers - you must be a follower to be eligible to win the giveaway(s)!  ;)

Thanks for supporting me and have fun!!  I can't wait to see all the amazing projects!!


  1. Hi Kim, I will try to get a post up to help you get some more followers!!!! You will hit 100 in no time, I'm sure!

  2. I posted a link on my site to help you :) Good Luck and I will upload a card soon! :)

  3. I will post a link on my side bar. You will be at 100 in no time. I also plan to participate in the challenge as well.


  4. Fun give-a-way! Posted on my sidebar! Already a Follower!


  5. I am already a follower. Love your blog.

  6. I have posted on my blog.

  7. Great idea. I'm a new follower and will be posting this on my sidebar of my blog. I'll get my project done and get it linked soon.


  8. Thank you so much for the chance to win... I am working on a post now for my blog.

  9. I have linked an entry.Again thanks for the chance to win.

  10. I put in my entry. I am a new follower.

  11. I posted about your challenge on my blog with my entry. :)

    amandawoodau at hotmail dot com

  12. I read about your blog over at The Cricut Craft
    Now im a new follower.

  13. Thanks for the awesome challenge. Glad I am your newest follower. Traci

  14. What a fun challenge! Thanks to you I made my first card ever. I don't do much scrapbooking with my cricut because I don't think I'm very good at it. But I've realized that you have to start somewhere-- and this is where I started. =)

    Thank you for the chance to win. I blogged about this giveaway as well. Just follow the link from my project.

  15. You are so close to your goal! I posted my entry for the challenge and in my blog entry, I mentioned your challenge and giveaway and provided a link to your blog.

  16. I am your 98th follower WOO WOO! Just need 2 more!!! Good job. Pam at

  17. I am a new follower. I do not have a blog of my own so I put my pic on my mom's blog and linked it that way. Thank you for the chance to win.

    cant-touch-this66 at hotmail dot com

  18. Congratulations on almost making the 100 followers- I am sure you will in no time and thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a nice comment! I am already a follower :)Amy

  19. Hi Kim, I linked up my entry tonight. I'm a current follower--thanks for the fun challenge and chance to win your generous giveaway!--Pat N.

  20. I posted about your challenge on my blog also!--Pat N.

  21. Hi Kim congratulation on going over 100 will work on a card to post

  22. Thanks for the fun challenge. I posted mine. I also posted about your challenge on my blog.
    Congratulations on reaching over 100 followers!

    Smiles Sher

  23. 109 followers already?!? Sweet! Congrats on that. I just hit 100 this past week too and it's so exciting!

    Thanks for a fun giveaway and a fun challenge. I linked my project above, and I wrote a little post about your challenge. Thanks for the chance to win!!

    amyis300 AT hotmail DOT com

  24. Okay Kim, I actually posted something on my blog! I *think* I linked this post. At the very least, I tried to! :)


  25. I made it...I wanted to enter your challenge I I made it in pretty close...I posted about it on my site with a link as well Congrats on 100

  26. Hi,

    This was a fun challenge! I am your 113th follower! Hooray! Well, I pulled out some old cartridges to make my card, I used 3 carts, Everyday Paper Dolls, Hello Kitty and A Child's Year! This was lots of fun! Thanks.

    I put your candy on my side-bar, I am giving away candy too, stop by if you get a chance.

  27. Congratulations or reaching over 100 followers!!!!

  28. Congrats on reaching 100+ Kim!! That's awesome~I just linked up a project. Boy, I really had to dust off Paper Pups cartridge. I don't think I have used that cart in several months. So many new ones out there, you kind of forget about the older ones even if they have cute cuts. Thanks for a fun challenge and a GREAT giveaway!
    Sherrie K


Thanks so much for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment - I love reading them!